Substance Abuse & Addictions

Addiction to neurotoxins such as nicotine from smoking, alcohol and drugs eg opiates & cocaine etc are detrimental to your health.

  • Smoking disorders
  • Alcohol disorders
  • Effects of Drug addictions

Please seek Medical attention as soon as possible if you are unsure of you or your family's health condition.

Smoking Disorders

Quit Smoking Now - Health Timeline

Alcohol Disorders

Effects of Opioid Addictions

Opiate Withdrawal Syndrome

Cocaine Effects

Addiction is a disease that affects your brain and behavior. When you are addicted to drugs, you cannot resist the urge to use them, no matter how much harm the drugs may cause.

Drug addiction isn't just about heroin, cocaine, or other illegal drugs. You can get addicted to alcohol, nicotine, opioid painkillers, and other legal substances.

At first, you may choose to take a drug because you like the way it makes you feel. You may think you can control how much and how often you use it. But over time, drugs change how your brain works. These physical changes can last a long time. They make you lose self-control and can lead you to damaging behaviors.

Addiction vs. Abuse
Drug abuse is when you use legal or illegal substances in ways you should not. You take more than the regular dose of pills or use someone else’s prescription. You may abuse drugs to feel good, ease stress, or avoid reality. But usually, you are able to change your unhealthy habits or stop using altogether.

Addiction is when you can’t stop. Not when it puts your health in danger. Not when it causes financial, emotional, and other problems for you or your loved ones. That urge to get and use drugs can fill up every minute of the day, even if you want to quit.

Effect on Your Brain
Your brain is wired to make you want to repeat experiences that make you feel good. So you’re motivated to do them again and again.

The drugs that may be addictive target your brain’s reward system. They flood your brain with a chemical called dopamine. This triggers a feeling of intense pleasure. So you keep taking the drug to chase that high.

Reduce Stress / Anxiety Prevention - MDIMC

The information provided in this website is for knowledge purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice.

Should you encounter any medical problem that you are unsure of, always consult your doctor or health care provider for assistance and medical advice.

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