Health Screening Package
- Special Screening Plan

Is a full body check-up for you, now that you have reached a certain milestone in life? Absolutely! All men and women should have a medical screening done regularly even when you feel perfectly fine. You can detect any health conditions and diseases or detect any cancer markers early, enabling you to get treatment earlier, increasing your chances of overcoming the illness.

Executive Health Assessment, Screening Packages & Blood Tests:

Special Screening Plan for Healthy aging & Detection of Chronic diseases


includes all the tests in the Basic Screening Plan (refer below)

Additional tests with this plan:

  •   Joints screen / Rheumatic (Rheumatoid Factor or RA factor)
  •   Additional Hepatitis A screening - Hepatitis A IgG Antibody
  •   Bone Health (Bone Mineral Blood Screen: Calcium/ Phosphate)
  •   Inflammatory Marker for Cardiac Risk (High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein)
  •   Thyroid Screen - FT4
  •  Detailed Renal function test / Kidney Screen (Urea/ Creatinine/ Sodium/ Potassium/ Chloride/ Urine Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio)

Basic Screening Plan

  •     Comprehensive Medical History & Full Physical Examination

- Present complaints (if any) / Full history taking including past medical, family, social & drug history

- Review of entire body system

- Biometrics Parameters (Blood pressure / Body Mass Index or BMI / Height & Weight / Visual Acuity check)

  •     Laboratory Analysis & Other Investigations

- Urine analysis (Urine FEME- Full Examination, Microscopic Examination)

- Full Blood Count & Detailed Haematology ESR: Haematological profile / Blood Tests (Haemoglobin/ White Blood Cell/ Differential Count/ PCV/ Platelets/ Red Blood Cell/ Red Cell Indices: MCV, MCH, MCHC/ Peripheral Blood Film: PBF/ Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate or ESR)

- Biochemistry (uric acid for Gout)

- Diabetes screen (Fasting Blood Glucose)

- Coronary Risk: Detailed Lipid/Cholesterol profile (Total Cholesterol/ Cholesterol HDL/ Cholesterol LDL/ HDL Ratio/ Triglycerides)

- Venereal disease screening/ Syphilis Screen/VD Screen (Syphilis TP Ab Screen)/ VDRL (RPR) & TPPA (if Syphilis TP Ab screen is reactive)

- Hepatitis Bs Ab/Ag screening (Hepatitis Bs Antigen/ Hepatitis Bs Antibody)

-  Detailed liver function test / Liver Screen (Bilirubin/ Protein/ Albumin/ Globulin/ A/G Ratio/ SGPT / SGOT / Alkaline Phosphatase/ GGT)

- Stool analysis (Stool Occult Blood)

  •   Basic kidney function test / Kidney Screen (Urea/ Creatinine/ Urine Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio)   
  •     Electrocardiogram
  •     Chest X-ray
  •     Medical review & Counselling by our doctor 

- Discussion and interpretation of physical findings and laboratory results

- Recommendations and health education by our doctor

- Medical follow-up and direct referrels to other specialists' services if necessary

Bone Mass Loss for Men & Women with Age - Health Screening @ MDIMC
Osteoporosis - Health Screening @ MDIMC

Learn what is Cancer, Skin Cancer-Types, Causes & Prevention, Melanomas Explained & Detecting Skin Cancer with Dermoscopy.

Skin Cancer Signs & Symptoms - MDIMC

Healthy Diets for Optimal Health

Food Health / Detox / Immune Support / Cancer Prevention

The information provided in this website is for knowledge purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice.

Should you encounter any medical problem that you are unsure of, always consult your doctor or health care provider for assistance and medical advice.

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