The Family Health Blog

The Family Health Blog

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What is Gout? What are the Symptoms of Gout?

AMDA Clinic -Best GP doctor Healthcare treatment gout pain /inflamed foot toe non-surgical

Learn what is gout, what are the symptoms of gout, what causes gout & is there a treatment for gout? How can you alleviate Gout by changing your diet?

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Self Help Treatment of Diabetes

Treatment for Diabetes - Diet & Exercise

Diabetes self management methods including comprehensive Diabetes diet information and exercise tips.

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What is Asthma?

Bronchial Asthma caused by an allergic reaction in the lungs

Asthma is a common chest condition in which there is temporary narrowing of the breathing tubes in the lungs (airways) because they are hyper-reactive, causing wheezing & breathing problems.

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What to do if you have a Nose Bleed

Child Nose Bleed / Epistaxis - Treatment AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

Nose bleeding or Epistaxis is a common condition that many children and adults will encounter. Here's what you should do.

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What is Influenza? Symptoms of Flu & its preventive care. 什么是流感?

Get Latest Flu & Sinopharm COVID Vaccine Booster - AIPC Tel: 6694 1661

Influenza is a respiratory infection caused by a virus. There are several kinds of influenza virus & they are continuously mutating and changing.

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What is Vertigo?

Vertigo Dizziness Treatment at AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

What causes dizziness or giddiness from Vertigo? Learn the symptoms to look for and the risks that there might be serious causes.

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What is Conjunctivitis?

Causes of Red Eye - Treatment at AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

It is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is a thin, clear tissue that lines the eyelids and the eyeball, except the cornea. It is very common.

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Haemoglobin Blood Disorders

Haemoglobin Structure

Hemoglobinopathy is the medical term for a group of blood disorders and diseases that affect red blood cells - Anaemias, Sickle Cell anaemia, Thalessaemia.

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What are Febrile Convulsions?

Febrile Convulsions and Febrile Seizures in Children

Febrile convulsions are fits or seizures that occur in young children when they have high fever. Learn the causes and risks of your child having such fits.

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Allergy : Skin rash, Hay fever, Eczema, Hives and Bowel problems

Food Allergy Symptoms & Treatment @ MDIMC

Allergies are sensitive reactions that occur when the body’s immune system reacts in any unusual way to foods, airborne dust, animal hair, dust mites & pollens.

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What is Gastroenteritis? Gastroenteritis in Children

Bristol Stool Chart

It is an infection of the bowel that causes diarrhoea and sometimes vomiting. It is very common in young children and is mainly caused by viruses.

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Contact Dermatitis

Contact Dermatitis due to Allergy

A skin inflammation caused by an allergic reaction to certain substances coming into contact with the skin. Learn the Cause, Symptoms & Treatment.

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Treatment for Knee Pain / Patellar tendinitis

Pain Management & Medical Treatment @ MDIMC

Knee joints play an important role in supporting weight, standing, walking and running. Its main function is to bend, stretch and support the body.

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What is the cause of my coughing? Is my wheezing serious?

Chronic Cough causes - Medical treatment AIPC Tel: 6694 1661

Find the possible causes for your coughing and wheezing. What is the treatment for it? 找出咳嗽和喘息的可能原因。它的治疗方法是什么?

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What is Autism?

Autism Awareness - Reduce symptoms with a Gluten-free Diet

Autism is a developmental disorder commencing in early childhood. Aspergers symptoms include an inability of the child to form normal social relationships.

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Chronic Neurological Disorders - Symptoms & Risks

Neurological Disorders

Learn the Signs and Symptoms of Chronic Neurological Disorders. Seek medical attention as soon as possible if you are unsure of your medical condition.

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Abdominal Pain - Symptoms & Causes

Causes of Abdominal Pain - Treatment at AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

Abdominal pain or Stomach aches are very common, especially with children. Learn the common causes and various symptoms that might indicate a medical condition.

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Lung Diseases - Symptoms & Causes. Learn about common Lung issues.

shortness of breath Causes

Comprehensive information about common lung problems & pulmonary health issues eg chest pain, shortness of breath, COPD, ARDS, Pneumonia, Bronchiolitis, TB.

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Dermatology Treatments for Skin Medical Conditions

AMDA Clinic: Best Dermatology doctor medical treatment Laser procedure-skin resurfacing

Removal of Warts,Age spots,Skin tags,Keloids,Moles,Scars,Corns,Calluses,Birthmarks,Tattoos,Freckles /Treatment of TMJ,Acne,Pigmentation,Fungal Nail Infection.

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High Blood Pressure Symptoms and Hypertension Causes

High Blood Pressure Symptoms

What are the High Blood Pressure symptoms you should look out for and what are the causes of high blood pressure? Explore improvements in your diet to improve.

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Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus

Symptoms of Diabetes

Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus describes what is Diabetes, the signs of diabetes and what type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms to watch for.

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Diarrhoea: Acute diarrhoea in adults

Diarrhea - Symptoms, Cause & Treatment

Diarrhoea is the passage of many loose, watery, offensive bowel movements. It is a symptom, not a disease. 腹泻是许多松散、水样、令人反感的排便。它是一种症状,而不是一种疾病。

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What is Urticaria or Hives? Learn the Causes & how to treat it.

Hives & Urticaria Causes - Treatment @ MDIMC

Urticaria, also known as hives, is a common allergic disorder in which a red, itchy, lumpy skin rash appears out of the blue. What are the common Allergens?

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Grow New Brain Cells - The Neurogenesis Diet

Dementia & Alzheimers - Risk Factors, Symptoms & Prevention

Despite popular belief, it is actually possible to Grow New Brain Cells with a Neurogenesis Diet & exercise. Learn what brain boosters and supplements you need.

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Is Your Mole Cancerous? Detecting Skin Cancer with Dermoscopy

Treatment & Removal of Different Skin Moles at AMDA Tel: 6694 1661

Dermoscopy is a noninvasive diagnostic technique that magnifies the skin & significantly increases the clinical diagnosis of skin lesions and melanoma compared to clinical examination alone.

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Liver Disease & Diet for Health

Liver Jaundice Types

Learn more about Liver Diseases such as Jaundice, Cirrhosis, Acute & Chronic Liver Failure. Can Diet make a difference for Liver Health?

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Chronic Kidney Disease & Kidney Stones

Kidney problems - Kidney stones

Learn what the Kidney Stones Risk Factors are, Chronic Kidney Disease Symptoms & how to identify Acute Kidney Failure. Explore changes in your diet to improve.

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Identifying Insect Bites & Stings

Insect Bites & Stings Treatment - AIPC Tel: 6694 1661

Here's a convenient table of different kinds of pattern of rash caused by bites of common insects around you. If unsure, please consult your doctor.

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Normal Blood Sugar Levels

Normal Blood Sugar Levels - Glucose-monitoring

Normal Blood Sugar Levels are provided in the Blood Glucose Chart. A simple diabetes blood test using test strips allows for continuous blood glucose monitoring.

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Child Health & Nutrition

Child Early Development Milestones - Vaccinations at AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

Learn the Causes & Symptoms of Fever, Stomach ache, Wheezing, Stridor, Liver disease, Urinary tract infection in children. What to do for an airway obstruction?

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The Problem of Coronary Heart Disease - Risk Factors & Causes

Blocked coronary arteries

Coronary Heart Disease is a major cause of preventable death and we still need to work hard at reducing the risk. What are the causes & what to do about it?

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The High Immunity Anti-Aging Longevity Diet

Healthy Aging at AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

Find out what Immune System Boosters and the healthy diet you should be eating that is Anti-aging, improve your Immune System and increase your Longevity.

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Melanoma Explained

Skin Cancer / Carcinoma Treatment - MDIMC

A melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. They can begin in moles, but most begin in normal skin.

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Treatment for Sacroiliac Joint and Lower Back Pain

Bone Mass Loss for Men & Women with Age - Health Screening @ MDIMC

Inflammation of the Sacroiliac joint can cause sacroiliac joint damage, which may cause back pain and pain around the buttocks and legs.

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What is Diabetes Mellitus, Prediabetes and Insulin resistance?

Diabetes Hyperglycemia Treatment & Assessment at AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

What are the symptoms and causes of Diabetes, Prediabetes or Insulin resistance? Can thiese lifestyle diseases and chronic health conditions be reversed?

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Regular aerobic exercise is one of the best ways for healthy aging.

Healthy Brain Aging - Left & right brain Creative & logical mind

Brain aging is characterized by declines in cognitive function. Learn how to prevent MCI, dementia and neurodegenerative diseases eg Alzheimer's disease.

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Elderly Care & Senior Health - Diseases of Old Age

Healthy Aging at AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

Learn about the symptoms and risks of old age diseases especially Malnutrition in the elderly, as well as other age-related diseases and ailments.

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Handling Stress, Insomnia & Lack of Sleep

Effects of Stress on the Body - Treatment at AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

What does Stress do to your body? Why do you have Insomnia and can't sleep? What are the effects from the lack of sleep?

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What is Gluten Sensitivity? Do you have Gluten Intolerance Symptoms?

Wheat & Gluten Intolerance Symptoms

This list of Gluten intolerance symptoms is longer than you imagine. A list of grains containing gluten & those that are gluten-free is included.

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Arthritis in the Elderly

Medical Treatment for Chronic Rheumatoid Arthritis or Gout

Arthritis means inflamed joints & the commonest type is osteoarthritis. Learn what the symptoms are & what treatment is available.

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Travel Health - Guide for Travellers

Travel Health Guide

Travellers to countries that have low standards of health and hygiene risk contracting infectious diseases, caused by contaminated food and water and by mosquitoes. Here are some travel health tips.

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Health Screening - Special Screening Plan

Bone Mass Loss for Men & Women with Age - Health Screening @ MDIMC

Health Assessment - Special Screening Plan for Healthy aging & Detection of Chronic diseases.

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What are the Signs & Symptoms of Stroke? Can you prevent it?

Recognizing Stroke Symptoms - AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

A stroke occurs when an area of the brain is damaged following interruption to its blood supply, resulting in deterioration of mental & physical functions.

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Anti-Aging Effects of Telomerase on Telomeres

Telomere Cellular Rejuvenation

Slow, Stop or even Reverse Cellular Aging - Cell Rejuvenation through Telomerase Activation.

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What is Cancer?

Cancer - Causes, Symptoms & Prevention

Cancer is an abnormal disorganised growth of cells in the tissues of a person. The cells multiply out of control and drain vital nutrition from the normal cells.

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Common Nail Diseases

Ingrown toenail causes - Medical treatment AIPC Tel: 6694 1661

Learn about common Nail Diseases including Fungal infections, Ingrown toenails and other nail problems, their causes, symptoms and medical treatment.

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Corns, Calluses & Warts on Feet

Corns on Feet

Tender skin lumps on the feet are usually caused by calluses, corns or warts. Calluses & corns are areas of skin that has thickened, due to constant pressure, while warts are viral infections.

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What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Bristol Stool Chart

An irritable bowel, also known as irritable colon or irritable digestive system, is one that does not work smoothly and causes abdominal problems such as colicky pain & disturbed bowel actions.

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Snoring & Obstructive Sleep Apnoea FAQ

Snoring is annoying to sleeping partner - Treatment at AMDA SG Tel: 6694 1661

What causes Snoring & Obstructive Sleep Apnoea? Can snoring be treated? Q&A

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Potential Discovery To Get Rid Of Spike Protein

Dr. Tina Peers discusses a potential new discovery in eliminating spike protein and reducing long-haul symptoms. Other compounds have been studied like Quercetin, Bromelain, NAC and Nattokinase to name a few. Please do your own research on these supplements.

Vitamins & Nutrients for a Well-functioning Immune System to Protect against COVID-19 & other Viral Infections

(Ref: Nutrients. 2020 Apr 23;12(4). pii: E1181. doi: 10.3390/nu12041181 Optimal Nutritional Status for a Well-Functioning Immune System Is an Important Factor to Protect against Viral Infections Calder PC1, Carr AC2, Gombart AF3, Eggersdorfer M4.

Healthy Diets for Optimal Health

Food Health / Detox / Immune Support / Cancer Prevention

Watch this fascinating video by Dan Buettner, National Geographic writer and explorer who studies the world's longest-lived peoples, distilling their secrets into a single plan for health and long life - How to live to be 100+.

The information provided in this website is for knowledge purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice.

Should you encounter any medical problem that you are unsure of, always consult your doctor or health care provider for assistance and medical advice.

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