Corns, Calluses & Warts on Feet

Tender skin lumps on the feet are usually caused by calluses, corns, or warts. Calluses and corns are areas of skin that has thickened, due to constant pressure, while warts are viral infections.



It is simply a thickening of skin caused by some form of repeated and friction. It is usually not painful but can be uncomfortable. It is common on the sole of the foot over the base of the toes. A callus can be found on any part of the body, especially the hands or the knees. When a callus is pared, normal skin is found underneath.



  • No treatment is necessary if it is painless
  • Proper footwear is necessary to prevent calluses. Choose shoes that are wide enough and have cushioned pads over the balls of the feet
  • Paring with a scalpel blade by your doctor gives a relief
  • Filing with callus files or a pumice stone wears away the callus. Soften it by soaking it in the water before peeling the skin



A corn is a small tender raised lump that is round and has a hard centre. Corns are usually formed over the toes and over the joints, between the toes and on the outside of the little toe. Sometimes they can be very painful. Paring reveals a white circular mass of old skin.



  • The treatment is similar to that for a callus
  • The corn can be softened with a chemical (salicylic acid) in commercial corn removers and then pared or peeled
  • Remove the source of friction if possible. Wear wide shoes- do not wear poor-fitting shoes. New shoes can be a cause, but your feet may adjust with stretching of the shoes.
  • For soft corns between the toes (usually the last toe-web), keep the toe-webs separated with lamb’s wool at all times and dust with a foot powder



A plantar wart is a wart that has grown on the sole of the foot and then gets pressed into it by pressure. It feels like a stone in the shoe and can be quite painful. It is caused by a viral infection and is more common in children and young people, who may pick the virus up from public showers. When it is pared, small bleeding points are exposed. Plantar warts are more difficult to treat that corns and calluses.


Professional help is usually needed to treat these warts. Many methods can be used, such as freezing with liquid nitrogen, application of chemicals or surgical removal. Special cushions or pads should be worn inside the shoes to relieve pressure.Laser treatment -

Pulsed laser treatment burns (cauterizes) tiny blood vessels. The infected tissue eventually dies, and the wart falls off.

Freezing (cryotherapy) -

Freezing therapy done at a doctor's clinic involves applying liquid nitrogen to your wart. Freezing works by causing a blister to form under and around your wart. Then, the dead tissue sloughs off within a week or so. This method may also stimulate your immune system to fight viral warts. You will likely need repeat treatments. Side effects of cryotherapy include pain, blistering and discolored skin in the treated area. Because this technique can be painful, it is usually not used to treat the warts of young children.

  • Stronger peeling medicine (salicylic acid) - Prescription-strength wart medications with salicylic acid work by removing layers of a wart a little bit at a time. Studies show that salicylic acid is more effective when combined with freezing.
  • Other acids - If salicylic acid or freezing isn't working, your doctor may try trichloroacetic acid. With this method, the doctor first shaves the surface of the wart and then applies the acid with a wooden toothpick. It requires repeat treatments every week or so. Side effects are burning and stinging.
  • Minor surgery - Your doctor can cut away the bothersome tissue. It may leave a scar in the treated area.

How to Get Rid of Warts

Please consult your skin doctor for Wart / Water Warts / Skin Tag / Mole removal.

* Click here to learn more about other Dermatology Skin Conditions & their medical treatment / 单击此处了解有关其他皮肤病皮肤状况及其治疗的更多信息。

Warts - Dermatology Treatment @ MDIMC

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(Ref: Nutrients. 2020 Apr 23;12(4). pii: E1181. doi: 10.3390/nu12041181 Optimal Nutritional Status for a Well-Functioning Immune System Is an Important Factor to Protect against Viral Infections Calder PC1, Carr AC2, Gombart AF3, Eggersdorfer M4.

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The information provided in this website is for knowledge purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice.

Should you encounter any medical problem that you are unsure of, always consult your doctor or health care provider for assistance and medical advice.

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